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The main page of the service is visually divided into parts:

Desktop version

The desktop version differs from the mobile version in the arrangement of elements along the width of the screen


1HeaderContains a non-clickable NOVA GLOBAL Logo and User Profile Icon
2Label managementAllows you to update the list of labels and add new labels, and also allows you to go to the user manual
3Search engine and filtersAllows you to search for labels by track number and filter labels by their date, status, and commentaries left by manager
The status filter combines all possible internal and system statuses of labeled parcels
See Search engine and filters for more information
4Export labelAllows you to export labels in .csv and .xlsx files
5Working areaThe workspace contains a table of labels with the detailed information about them. The data is arranged in separate columns:
  • ID - unique label identifier
  • Country - country of the shipment destination
  • Date of upload - date and time of label upload
  • Status - current status of the label
  • Tracking number - track number of the shipment
  • Comment NPS - a comment from the NPS manager
  • The User Profile Icon is located on the right side of the header.

    When you click on the User Profile Icon, a drop-down menu appears, it contains the following items:

    1Labels ListAllows you to navigate to the page with a list of labels
    2Bulk UploadAllows you to navigate to the bulk download page
    3Single Parcel Label UploadAllows you to navigate to the page Download label(s) for 1 parcel
    4LogoutAllows you to log out of your account
    5Change Page localization switchAllows you to change the interface language

    If you click on the Logout button, the system will offer to log out of your account or return to the admin panel by following the steps below:

    1BackAllows you to return to the admin panel
    2Log outAllows you to log out of your account
    Desktop version

    The desktop version is different from the mobile version in the style of elements arrangement, along with the width of the screen

    image6 image7 image8

    Label management

    Adding labels

    In the mobile version, clicking on the icon will take you directly to []:

    Desktop version

    In the desktop version, you can add labels by clicking the Add Label button, or the Warehouse icon and select the desired item in the menu. The process of labels addition is described in details in the Single Parcel Label Upload and Bulk download sections



    The Sync button in the parcel list allows you to update and check the status of your parcels.

    Desktop version

    The desktop version differs from the mobile version in the arrangement of elements along the width of the screen


    Search engine and filters

    Desktop version


    On the Parcel List page, you can search by Tracking Тumber, IEW Number, Customer ID, and Customer NP number.

    To start the Search, enter the Track number or NP number in the search field and click the Search button. To delete the entered value, click the Cross in the search box.

    Desktop version

    To start the search by the entered value, click the Apply button.


    To reset the search, delete the entered value by tapping the Cross in the search bar and click Apply or the Reset button.



    A filter allows the user to define certain criteria that the search results should meet. In the mobile version, to apply filters, click the Filter button icon.

    The following filters are available on the page:

    Desktop version

    In the desktop version, filters are immediately available. image21

    1CountryAttention! Country filter is not available yet, it displays only the employee's home country
    2DateAllows you to display labels for a specific date
    Attention! The date filter works on the principle from - to (02.07.2024 - 02.07.2024 - labels for 02.07.2024 are displayed)
    3StatusAllows you to display labels with specific statuses. You can select any number of statuses
    4Missing delivery adressAllows you to display parcels that do not have a receiving address
    5Manager's commentAllows you to display labels that contain a manager's comment

    Filter Country

    The Filter Country is not available yet, it displays only the employee's home country.

    Filter Date

    The Filter Date works on the principle of From-to (01.10.2024 - 08.10.2024 = parcels for the period are displayed).


    The filter works similarly to the search on the desktop and mobile versions

    Select the required dates from the built-in calendar.

    Desktop version


    To apply the Filter Date, click Apply. To reset the filters, click Reset.

    Filter Status

    The Filter Status combines all possible internal and system statuses of parcels.


    The filter works similarly to the search on the desktop and mobile versions

    Select the required status(es) from the drop-down list:

    Desktop version


    Internal statuses:

    • Invoice Incomplete - intermediate status, indicates that the invoice is incomplete, manual intervention is required and data on the goods in the parcel must be filled in.
    • Invoice in Progress - the added data on the attachment is being processed.

    System statuses:

    • Already registered - the final status, the parcel with the data from the label has been successfully saved in the NPS system and has already been registered by the customer. This status, unlike other statuses, is marked in green.
    • Awaiting registration by client - the parcel with data has been successfully saved in the NPS system and is waiting for registration by the client. If the user does not register the parcel within 24 hours, the data they previously added is automatically deleted. The status is updated to Awaiting registration. The warehouse technician can add an invoice.
    • Awaiting registration - the parcel with data has been successfully saved in the NPS system and is waiting for the customer to register it.
    • Disposal - the final status, the parcel with data has received the status Disposed in the NPS system.
    • Restricted - indicates that the goods in the parcel are prohibited; can be changed to Invoice Incomplete by the decision of the manager or administrator.
    • Damaged - indicates that the parcel is damaged; can be changed to Invoice Incomplete by the decision of the manager or administrator.
    • Manually Declared - all the necessary data on the package has been generated, the parcel is less than 150 euros and it has been successfully registered by the warehouse.
    • Waiting for Documents - the value of the package exceeds the limit of 150 euros, and to complete the registration, it is necessary to receive supporting documents from the client.
    • Failed Declaration - registration was unsuccessful, an unsuccessful declaration was created.
    • Mixed labels error - the final status indicates that the warehouse employee has uploaded several labels from different parcels using the option Single Parcel Label Upload. It is necessary to check the uploaded labels and upload them again separately.
    • Failed is the final status, indicating that a label was uploaded for which it was not possible to obtain the necessary data OR the data obtained from the label could not be used to create a valid parcel object in NPS. You need to check the uploaded label and upload it again.
    • Duplicated is the final status that informs you that the service already has a label with this track number.
    • TN Generated, Awaiting registration - a track number has been generated for the parcel, the parcel with the data and the generated track number is saved in the NPS system and is waiting for registration by the customer if 24 hours have not passed since the unregistered parcel was added to the system (a timer will be displayed in the parcel card).
    • MD number - the final status, which means that the label identifies the customer's MD number, not the NP number; the parcel will be processed by NPS managers, and the parcel data is updated outside of SML.
    • UA number - the final status, which means that the label identifies the customer's UA-, not NP-number; the parcel will be processed by NPS managers, the parcel data is updated outside the SML.
    • Nova Safe Trade - the final status, which means that the label identifies the feature of Nova Safe Trade parcels; the parcel

    To apply the filters, click the Apply button. To reset the filters, click the Reset button.

    Filter for missing receiving address

    Ticking the Missing delivery address checkbox allows you to display parcels that do not have a delivery address. Such parcels will display an icon next to the status.

    Such parcels will have an icon next to their status.

    Desktop version


    Filter Manager's comment

    By checking the Manager's comment box, you can display the parcels that contain a manager's comment. The comment icon will be displayed on the right side of such parcels.

    Desktop version


    Export label

    To export labels as .csv or .xlsx files, click the corresponding Export To CSV or Export To XLSX button.

    Desktop version


    Working area

    The workspace contains a list of labels, in form of individual cards, with detailed information about them.

    The label card contains the following information:

    1CountryThe name of the destination country cannot be changed, it is assigned by third-party services
    2StatusIndicates the status of the label at the time of scanning
    3Tracking NumberParcel tracking number assigned by third-party services
    4Client NumberUnique customer number in the system
    5Comment NPSA comment from the NPS manager
    6Creation DateEnter the date when the scan was performed
    Desktop version

    The workspace contains a table of labels with detailed information about them. The data is organized in separate columns:


    1Cretion DateEnter the date when the scan was performed
    2CountryThe name of the destination country cannot be changed, it is assigned by third-party services
    3Tracking NumberParcel tracking number assigned by third-party services
    4IEWAn international express waybill (hereinafter referred to as the IER) is a numbered shipping document that is a contract for the carriage of each individual international express shipment and contains information about the Sender, the Consignee, the contents and weight of the international express shipment and the cost of delivery.
    5StatusIndicates the current status of the label at the time of scanning
    6Comment NPSContains a comment from the manager NPS

    The label list table displays all the label images that were loaded and saved since the first scan.

    The label list includes a list of labels and parcels:

    • The label with the recognized data on it;
    • Label - a saved image, for which the data recognition process has not been completed yet.

    The page with the list of labels may differ in different cases:

    • Page 1 - no labels have been added;
    • Page 2 - no search results or applied filters.

    Example of the label list page, for cases when no labels were added:

    Desktop version


    Example of the label list page, for cases with uploaded labels:

    Desktop version



    Pages may look the same on desktop and mobile versions. The only differences are in the elements arrangement across the screen